We can also observe the physics of the robe, which looks great, as well as the reflections of the fire in the water, thanks to ray tracing. The person in charge of revealing new images of Hogwarts Legacy through a small video, has been the Twitter user Chandler Wood As you can see below, thanks to this short video of Hogwarts Legacy, we have been able to see our characters, which we can customize 100% when starting our adventure as a wizard or witch in the College of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But now, it has leaked a small video of Hogwarts Legacyshowing a camp, the character and the physics of the robe, among other things. Although since the last extensive gameplaywe have received practically no news, beyond a ASMR video revealing some places of Hogwarts and beyond Hogsmeade. Hogwarts Legacy is a massive open world action RPG title set in the 19th century that all of us fans have been waiting for.

After spending many years waiting for a Harry Potter game or something similar, Avalanche has made the dream of many a reality.